Meet the Next Generation

NextGEN is a space created to promote and spotlight the work of Early Career Researchers (ECR) within the ASCEND team. One of the goals of the ASCEND Institute is to train the next generation of integrative biologists with the interdisciplinary skills, capacity, perspectives, and passion required for integrative research that enhances their traditional “disciplinary” training. NextGEN provides a space to create a sense of community among ECRs within our team, provide a platform where ECRs can get practical experience to write briefly about their work, describe their research to a broader audience, and enhance their online presence among the wider academic community. 

NextGen: Elliott Marsh
Jeannine Cavender-Bares Jeannine Cavender-Bares

NextGen: Elliott Marsh

Elliott Marsh is a technical scientist and drone specialist at UW-Madison. When he is not flying the “WisAsp” aspen genotype and insect experiment in Wisconsin, Madison he loves capturing drone imagery and videos from above

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